
What Is Causing Your Bad Breath? Diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, and lung cancer can cause distinct odors in the mouth

Do you long for the day when you're free from halitosis? Ever wonder what the causes for bad breath are and why you're unlucky enough to get it in the first place? Well, wonder no more! Now I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions in regards to this problem.

Why do I have bad breath?

Anaerobic bacteria are the answer. This kind of bacteria thrives in surroundings that are low in oxygen. When you eat, some of the food debris is digested by anaerobic bacteria after which they become stinky waste by-products that are known as Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC). Those who possess a high amount of anaerobic bacteria are likely to emanate odorous breath constantly.

Does the odor originate exclusively from the mouth?

No, although the vast majority of cases involving causes for bad breath originate from the mouth. Another source would be from the nose. In this case, the smelly scent could be attributed to infections of the sinus. Yet another source is due to unclean dentures.

Okay which part of the mouth has anaerobic bacteria?

As mentioned, they flourish in low oxygen surroundings. Therefore anaerobic bacteria can be found at the back of the throat, right below the surface of the tongue (back portion). These two areas are typical haven for anaerobic bacteria but they also reside in periodontal pockets. If one fails to maintain proper oral hygiene procedures, plaque accumulation will occur below the gum line resulting in disease that opens up a very small hole between the gum line and the bone of the tooth. Said bacteria love to live and reproduce in this hole!

Alright then, what are some of things I can do to prevent my breath from becoming smelly?

For starters you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and rinsing your mouth with WARM water. This is to ensure optimal removal of mucus and food debris that serves as fuel for bacteria to propagate. Also don't forget to floss and scrape your tongue daily.

Don't use mouthwashes that contain alcohol. Stop smoking and reduce alcoholic drinks consumption as much as possible. These three things are typical causes for bad breath because they make your mouth dry. Drink plenty of water each day and eat more leafy vegetables. And here's a good home made remedy that you should try out: Add some coriander seeds in a steaming cup of warm alfalfa tea to reduce anaerobic bacterial population in your mouth.

I still can't get rid of my bad breath. What should I do next? Can you help me?

Of course! Please go to https://tinyurl.com/uvcoho4 I used to suffer from chronic bad breath too. I discovered and combined core oral care practices with special bad breath swishing and brushing process that help me gain 100% control of this problem. Now you can do the same too! Click the above link now and I'll show you how.

Fertility Challenges and Some Answers

What are the benefits of using acupuncture when treating a patient with PCOS?

PCOS is both an endocrinologic as well as a metabolic disorder. The patient can present with polycystic ovaries, hyperandrogenism, hirsutism, and hyperinsulinemia. Furthermore, PCOS patients have a difficult time conceiving. One of the reasons is anovulation. Also, the egg quality is very often compromised as there is too much testosterone in the follicle. This acts as an anti-estrogen and therefore, the eggs lack proper nourishment. In fact, the PCOS population experiences miscarriage more than the non-PCOS population.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine are 'regulators. They reduce that which is in excess and supplement that which is diminished. In the PCOS patient, we want to reduce the testosterone milieu, increase the follicular estrogen, regulate the menstrual cycle and help facilitate conception. Acupuncture and herbs often accomplish this goal.

Another goal of the practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine is to council patients about lifestyle. If a PCOS patient is morbidly obese, she may face gestational diabetes, preeclampsia or eclampsia. This can cause serious health issues for mom and baby. Through lifestyle counselling, it is often possible to help this type of patient lose weight.

Obesity will also elevate estrogen levels which can, over time, contribute to cancer as well as contribute to infertility. The hormones must be balanced. Too much estrogen is as detrimental as not enough. Via the regulatory effects of acupuncture and herbs, weight can be lost, hormones can be rebalanced, menses can regulate, and conception may occur. I am not suggesting that acupuncture and herbal medicine is the holy-grail. It can help some people, sometimes; just like IVF.

What are the benefits of using acupuncture when treating a patient with endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a pro-inflammatory cytokine disease. In other words, there are inflammatory factors causing havoc in the reproductive system.

Even though endometriosis is a disease which occurs outside of the uterus, the inflammatory processes make their way into the uterine cavity altering the lining and the environment. This in and of itself is the main biological factor of infertility. There are physical issues as well. For example, tubal adhesions can occur which makes conception via intercourse or IUI impossible.

IVF is a must in those cases. Many patients with endometriosis also have activated Nk cells. These cells are meant to attack cancer cells in the uterus. But in endometriosis patients, these Nk cells often mistake the embryo for a cancer cell and attack and kill it.

Even after laparoscopic surgery, the patient can STILL have endometriosis. Here's why: endometriotic lesions have various colours; brown, red, purple, power-burn, etc. This tells the surgeon "this is endo - resect it". The problem is, some endometriosis tissue looks exactly like normal tissue. So, the surgeon can't even see this tissue, let alone remove it. In my mind, even after a laparoscopy, it should be assumed that the patient still may have endometriosis.

In endometriosis cases (after laparoscopy always!) our aim is to try and reduce the inflammatory processes that may still be manifesting in the uterus and to try and regulate immune function. One protein that is a marker for poor fertility outcomes and is often seen in endometriosis patients is BCL6. BCL6 in some medical circles is what is thought to cause infertility in the endometriosis patient. By regulation of immunological function and clearing inflammation, BCL6 may be down-regulated and the ability to conceive will be improved.

What are the benefits of using acupuncture when treating a patient with sperm anomalies?

A typical semen analysis looks at count, volume, concentration, morphology and motility and ph. They all come back normal and the wife is 100% normal and she's 27 years old and they can't conceive? Why not? One potential reason is a 'hidden pathology' that is often not tested for. The pathology is sperm DNA fragmentation.

The common consensus amongst reproductive endocrinologists is that the only barrier to fertilization caused by DNA fragmentation is that the sperm can't penetrate the egg. The patient is treated via ICSI (the sperm is injected directly into the egg to engender fertilization.) Often these cases end up in non-pregnancy or miscarriage. It is, in my opinion, not advisable to force a poor-quality sperm into an egg and expect a good outcome. Interestingly, some of these cases do end up with live births. But many do not.

Acupuncture can strongly improve hemodynamics to the testes, delivery oxygen, hormones, nutrient and electrolytes. Acupuncture also helps facilitate to excretion of debris or dead cells from the testes. This can improve testicular function and significantly reduce sperm DNA fragmentation. Taking antioxidants is extremely important in these cases as well since there is a tendency in these men to have high levels of oxidative stress in the testicular environment which can significantly harm sperm.

What are the benefits of using acupuncture to relieve stress in couples experience fertility challenges?

Stress is an interesting and uncertain issue when it comes to infertility cases. Yes; all parties involved are stressed. They want a child and can't conceive. But does stress actually contribute to infertility? I'm not sure. Here's why: In any war zone, in any part of the world, in any time in history, the most horrible, stressful, unspeakable things occur. But children are born in these war zones daily. I know for sure that stress can negatively impact sperm count but I'm not certain about the effect on fertility in the female patient. Nonetheless, acupuncture is excellent at mitigating stress, which, at the very least, will make the couple feel better, stronger, healthier, and more capable of dealing with the difficult journey ahead.

What are the benefits of using acupuncture when treating a patient who has low ovarian reserve and poor egg quality?

Acupuncture is very effective at improving blood flow to anywhere in the body that the practitioner wants. For example, if a patient has 'tennis elbow' (lateral epicondylitis) and you insert needles near and at the elbow, it will signal healing immunological substances to the site to repair the damage. So is the case with ovaries. We can stimulate blood to the ovaries directly stimulating delivery of oxygen, nutrients, electrolytes and hormones while also removing dead cells from the ovaries. This will not, under any circumstances provide a woman with more eggs but can, frequently, improve egg quality. This is very important.

Remember, in the IVF setting an egg is retrieved, fertilized and the subsequent embryo is transferred into the uterus, but... the reproductive endocrinologist can only work with the materials presented to him or her. So, if the egg quality is poor but a blastocyst is formed, the transfer will occur, and pregnancy will not ensue. If through acupuncture and/or herbal medicine, egg quality is improved, there will be an obvious increase in the chances of a successful outcome.But there is a simpler way click here  Pregnancy Miracle                                              

Groundbreaking new weight loss product changes the face of dieting , Best Weight Loss Solution That Works Like Magic


Learn to Spot Your Child’s Sleep Cues

Like the rest of us, your child has a sleep window of opportunity, a period of time when he is tired, but not too tired. Author Mary-Ann Schuler is a clinical psychologist and mother with more than 20 years of experience in child psychology. Her Baby Sleep Miracle Guide provides parents with a simple and easy-to-apply solution to regulate the sleeping pattern of their children  https://tinyurl.com/yh8wrhog  

Confitrol24™A Life-Changer For People With Incontinence!

This isn't just another supplement for folks with bladder leakage...

It's a life-changer for millions . Yes, really - Confitrol24™ helps men and women reduce embarrassing urine leakage and that sudden urge to run to a toilet. It promotes urinary tract health and anti-aging effects of the bladder.

But there's a lot more to Confitrol24™ than just bladder control. It's made with a powerful proprietary blend that is developed by doctors and clinically proven called Urox®. Shown to reduce night time urination by 50%, Confitrol24™ can have an immeasurable impact on quality of life for millions. https://www.confitrol24.com/ct/274382  

From the Internet of People to the Internet of Things

When driving the vehicle to work or to any other destination, we can rely on the use of an application on the vehicle's dash panel or at least on our smartphone to guide us through the best way to reach to the place of our choice, we can select options such as avoiding tolls or highways should we chose to elect so, and then all we have to do is just follow the guidance of the voice from the application. Impressive! Just like that; there are more applications than we can count-on for a diversity of related services to help us on our daily activities.

Now imagine driving on your vehicle away from home to a destination far away for your next vacation. Having an application guiding your journey and at the same time as you drive, checking on your vehicle fuel tank level and notifying you for the closest gas-station with the lowest prices of your preferred octane rating for your vehicle on your way forward if needed to, ensuring there is enough gas in the tank to reach to your destination; having the same application checking continuously on your tire pressure and general vehicle's health, and providing alerts such any of these issues requires attention.

While driving long hours on your trip, imagine the application providing options for you on food and lodging based on your preferences such as price range, bed and amenities preferences', or for vegetarian, Mexican or Italian restaurants in the area, and providing you with the best of all options. All you have to do is just to speak out or touch on the screen the option of your choice and the application will complete the reservation for you and/or guide you through the new stop on you way.

How far in the future?

Some of these features we are enjoying today, but there are other ones which pretty soon will be available, it is a trend destined to grow exponentially, it will include many if not all of our imaginable needs on a daily basis. All of these interactions is what it is being called Internet of Things, it certainly is not longer a thing to take place in the future rather a reality of our present day, and it is expanding rather fast.

Why is it important?

Just like the Internet is here to connect people, the Internet of Things is here to connect devices which can now interact with other bunch of them, it is estimated that since 2008 there are more devices connected to the internet than people. It is easy to assume and understand then why of the importance of the Internet of Things and why should we care to know about and get use to it as an integral part of our lives,Access anything online without restrictions

The Internet of Things is aimed to facilitate our daily activities and tasks by taking over some basic decisions on our behalf, where there is a network of devices connecting to the internet in order to take away from us repetitive actions or to complete tasks by learning from our condition and preferences. Those futuristic self-driving cars we watch on movies are closer than ever to be a reality, let's get comfy and watch for more as it comes available.

True is, the Internet of Things has just born, there is plenty for all parties to learn and develop in order to make it grow in a structured and efficient way. For it to be fully realizable, its development needs to be thought to allow a connection among devices to be easiable, a plug-n-play concept.

Where can I find solutions?

Here at NordVPN, we have teamed up to provide the highest quality product to meet the current demands. Understanding cutting edge trends and pushing ourselves for achieving those is our daily basis commitment. The Internet of Things is a journey just starting with a immeasurable range of opportunities.The Nord VPN service allows you to connect to 5600+ servers in 60+ countries. It secures your Internet data with military-grade encryption, ensures your web activity remains private and helps bypass geographic content restrictions online,click the link to encrypt your connection,browse in full privacy. https://tinyurl.com/v7nr5b6                                                                                         


SPYING VACUUMS: Roomba collects floor plan data, sells it to companies

It's a Brave New World, with the "Internet of Things." Smart products are just beginning, and they're infringing on your privacy in ways you may not understand. For example, Roomba vacuums are spying in your home -- they collect data like your floor plan, and sell it back to interested companies, like parent iRobot. Sleep Number Mattresses do the same, recording your respiration and heart rates while you sleep. I'm a degree engineer. I don't own a roomba, I don't own an Alexa. I dumped my Facebook account two years after the service became available, I don't use google's voice features, I don't use Windows whatshername. I don't allow online services to collect images of me, etc etc. I disable my phone's location service. And you know why? Not because I'm some paranoid loonie. I'm not. But I'm not naive either. I'm a degree engineer. I know better. And I've been warning people for two decades not to buy into the internet connected "conveniences". Demand that companies provide a method for permanently breaking their "connectivity". Or face technological despotism. It's your choice. You either refuse it or you're complicit


He Doesn’t REALLY Want the Perfect Woman He Wants These 3 Things from You Instead…

If you’re like most women, it’s a LOT. You spend all this time making yourself look sexy and attractive.
All this time presenting yourself as fun, interesting, worldly, and not needy in the slightest. You spend all this time showing him just how good you’d be for him… How amazing his future would be if he chose you as the woman by his side…
And it doesn’t work. It never works. WHY? Why do you work so hard… And the guy in your life just takes you for granted, if he even notices you at all? It’s probably because he’s immature, right? He can’t recognize a good thing until it’s gone. Or maybe… It’s because you’ve been doing all the work for him.
How much time do you spend trying to be the kind of woman you think men want?

If He Doesn’t Work for Your Relationship, He Won’t Value It


What men value most are those things they have to work hard to get.
Hand a man a college diploma, and he won’t value it as much as if he’d had to put in years of study and effort to earn it.
Hand a man the perfect girlfriend, and he won’t value her as much as if he’d had to woo her for weeks just to get her to go out with him. This is why playing hard to get works.
But, as you’ve probably already noticed…
There’s a BIG problem with playing hard to get. That strategy stops working once he’s actually got you.
Something happens when guys decide they’ve won you. It’s almost like they think, “Game over.” Their minds are already on their next challenge. What is going on?!
And how can you stop it from wrecking your relationship?

It’s Not Just You—ALL Women Experience This (That’s Why They Ask for Help)

Many women give up on love. They never let themselves get too close to a man, for fear of scaring him off. But other women try a different approach. They get help. Relationship coach James Bauer is one of the people they turn to.
He noticed that many clients were coming to him, complaining about guys who were blowing hot and cold. Everything would be going great, and then it was like…
Something would change overnight.
A guy who’d been warm, affectionate and interested would suddenly become distant. He’d no longer have any time for her. He wouldn’t smile in greeting. He’d stop making eye contact. His kisses were brusque. Wanting to help his clients, James investigated.
And what he discovered made sense of everything. He knew why these men were backing away. He knew what they needed … and what they weren’t getting.
It didn’t come down to anything wrong with these women.
Rather, it all came down to something he called “The Hero Instinct.”

Most Women Do Something that Drives Men Away… Without Ever Realizing It

One of the most wonderful things about women is how naturally caring they are.
Look at you. You’re always there for your guy. You look after him. You always make time for him. You’d do anything for him.
You never realize that, in the process…
You’re actually taking something away from him. You’re taking away his purpose.
You see, he wants to be your hero. He doesn’t want you to be his hero.
Men love heroes. Look at how many grown men are still fascinated by Marvel comics and superhero movies.
Every man on Earth, from the time he was a boy, dreamed of growing up to be the kind of hero who would save the world—and get the girl at the same time.
Most men don’t get to indulge their world-saving side in their 9-5 jobs.
Circumstances don’t call for them to rip off their corporate ties and spring into action, revealing their superman side. Maybe they can’t save the world. But they can still get the girl.
Getting the girl is a worthy challenge for an ordinary guy with the heart of a superhero. It takes superhuman confidence. Superhuman charm. Superhuman immunity to pain. Now, all he needs to find is…
A girl who needs a hero. Do You Need a Hero? Let me guess… That’s not you.
You’re strong. You’re independent. You can fix a leaky faucet. You can drive a stick shift. You can take care of yourself. You’re never going to make that Jerry Maguire mistake of looking for a man to complete you.
Instead, you have a lot to offer a man. You’re generous. Kind. Loving. Giving to a fault. All you want is to find a man who’s willing to receive all you have to give.
And that’s why heroes aren’t showing up in your life. That’s why you’ve ended up with so many takers instead. Guys who take everything you have and leave you high and dry. If you want a hero, then you need to advertise for one. Here’s how.

3 Ways You Can Invite a Hero into Your Life, Starting Today

1. Ask a guy for help.
Ask him for advice on buying a new computer. Ask him to listen to that weird rattling sound that’s started up in your car. Ask him to reach something on the top shelf. Then thank him warmly, with a great big smile of appreciation. No, that doesn’t make you needy. It makes you a woman with space for a man in her life.
2. Take pleasure in male company.
Guys love women who appreciate men for just being men. So what if his apartment is a shrine to sports? So what if he spends hours on his fantasy football team? So what if his idea of a clean shirt is the one with the fewest wrinkles? He’s a guy. It’s okay. You don’t need him to be more like you, because you’ve got the feminine side of the gender equation covered.
3. Let him earn your respect.
Superheroes love challenges. They don’t want to be given a gold medal just for showing up. They don’t want your love handed to them on a plate. They want to earn it. There’s one thing they crave even more than a woman’s eternal enduring love: A challenge. So give him opportunities to prove himself. You don’t have to do the work of winning him over. Sit back, relax, and allow him the pleasure of winning your admiration.

Keep Learning

If that sounds like fun to you, click here to watch a video presentation about this relationship enhancement tool. It’s something you can learn once, but then use for the rest of your life.


The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!

With nearly 60,000 thoughts per day, you’re bound to have plenty of negative ones, right? What you may not realize is the power you hold when it comes to the anxious thoughts and feelings you have on a daily basis. Millions of people suffer from the effects of anxiety as they allow their subconscious minds to run their lives. Reaching out for professional help is not only important, it is imperative. The key to overcoming anxiety is to realize that YOU ARE IN CONTROL. In other words, if you are able to create your anxious responses to situations, you are also able to take them away. The first step to a better life is understanding that your response to scenarios is what causes your anxiety and stress, rather than the situations themselves causing your reactions. Want to calm your mind? Visit https://www.calmingmymind.com


The Natural Low Testosterone Supplement For Guys

Dear Testosterone

Dear Testosterone. You're the manly hormone that makes me a guy. I didn't have much of a relationship with you until I hit puberty. Then we became good friends - boy did we! You deepened my voice and gave me bigger muscles. My bones got thicker and, heck, you even increased my penis size.
Thanks for that, Testosterone, because you helped me get sporadic erections and made me a stud in the bedroom.
So what happened to you, my friend, Mr. Testosterone? You were once so abundant that I could count on getting wood. Now that I'm over 40 I don't see you as much. My sex drive ain't firing on all-cylinders and my muscles aren't so big anymore!

Meet Mr. Low T

Testosterone, we had such a great relationship until I was about 40. But then you didn't come around quite as often. And another dude made his acquaintance with me. This dude is a bit of a downer, dear testosterone. He calls himself Low T and he came with this baggage:
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Loss of Muscles
  • Bones
  • Depression
  • Smaller Testicles
  • Larger Breasts
  • I really don't like Mr. Low T, my good friend Testosterone, because he affects my life quality in ways I don't enjoy. I heard a rumor that he typically shows up when Total Testosterone goes below 270ng/dL (9-38nmol/L). Is that true? Every man is different, but I need to know. Why did you do this to me?

    Why Mr. Low T Keeps Visiting

    If I'm gonna be totally honest, dear Testosterone, Mr. Low T is making life miserable. I feel less complete and I don't have as much energy as when you and I had a stronger relationship. I guess I have to accept that I'm partly to blame here. I read up and learned that while Mr. Low T may start popping by as I get older, he may come more often with:
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes type 2
    • Exposure to Phtalates and Gender-Bending Chemicals
    • Ongoing exposure to WiFi Radiation
    You know, I was really in shock when I heard that some habits I never even thought about affected my relationship with you, dear Testosterone. But now I know - I've got to clean up my act a little bit if I'm going to give Mr. Low T the butt-kicking he deserves.
I promise I'll do it - because Testosterone makes me a man!

I Promise to Live By These Testosterone-Friendly Habits!

So here's the deal, dear Testosterone. I recognize there are some things that affect my relationship with you beyond my control. I spoke with my doctor about some of them, like inherited diseases or problems with my testicles.
But I also know that I can do a lot of things to stay good with you, and keep that butt-ugly Mr. Low T at a reasonable distance. I promise to:
Exercise - I've heard this so many times it's not funny. But it's true - my levels go up when I hit free weights, and I stay in good shape too. Plus, I look hot, so women will dig me.
Cook with CERAMIC Non-Stick Cookware - Yes, I was surprised to learn those cheap teflon non-stick pans are high in endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) but I've learned my lesson. Pay a little more for ceramic cookware and we're on better terms.
Don't Eat From Cans - I promise to eat fresh food where possible and avoid eating out of those gender-bending chemical-heavy cans I used to eat with!
Keep My Smartphone Out of My Front Pocket - No more tucking my iPhone in my front pocket. In fact, I'll keep my laptop off my lap top as well!

A Little TestRx Goes a Long Way

One more thing, dear Testosterone...
Despite my best efforts, I know as a man I could lose about 10% of you each decade after 30. And I just ain't cool with that. I want my erections back, along with greater sex drive and more muscle. I'll live by these good testosterone habits, but I'm also gonna do one more thing - I'm gonna put a little TestRX natural testosterone booster in my life, and feel like the man you want me to be.
See, I've heard about hormone replacement therapy and the risks linked to it. I also know researchers don't know if it's safe to use long-term, and the rumblings of health problems have me a little on edge.
So I'm gonna boost testosterone naturally, care of TestRX, and get you back with natural ingredients like Tongkat Ali. Combine TestRX with these good testosterone habits and I've got a feeling we'll both get our groove back!

What is Instant Wrinkle Reducer?

Instant Wrinkle Reducer – Review

Botox in a bottle? We’ve heard that one about a million times. Everyone wants a piece of the anti-aging demographic that thinks it can get rid of wrinkles fast, yet without that whole can of worms of actually getting Botox injections.
If we sound jaded, it’s because we’ve seen this play out so many times only to see products promise but under deliver. But…this is important, we may have found one that actually works. The product? Instant Wrinkle Reducer by Skinception, which has a peptide found in Botox and comes with hyaluronic acid, which complement each other for stunning results.
Stunning indeed. Let’s take a closer look at Instant Wrinkle Reducer and whether it actually delivers what it claims…

Instant Wrinkle Reducer – Rated Excellent

Instant Wrinkle Reducer is a topical anti-aging cream from Skinception. But unlike that company’s other skin care products, Instant Wrinkle Reducer works as you watch. The results aren’t permanent – let’s get that out of the way right now. But they’re quick to the point that Instant Wrinkle Reducer really does work like Botox.
Just apply Instant Wrinkle Reducer and your wrinkles vanish for up to eight hours. That makes it perfect for nights when you want to go out, or for a morning application before you head to work. It gives you a leg up too, if you feel it’s important to look vibrant in your career.
Instant Wrinkle Reducer can assist with that, thanks to a formula that really is shaking things up in anti-aging circles.

What It Does:

Like you’d expect with that name, Instant Wrinkle Reducer gets rid of wrinkles right away. That’s because it has a peptide found in Botox, called Argireline, which freezes facial muscles temporarily deep within the skin and prevents them from contracting.
This is the same principle in action as you’d get with Botox injections, and they’re magnified by the hyaluronic acid, which helps moisture retention, and makes skin look plump and youthful.


Plenty of those with Instant Wrinkle Reducer. This is a quality anti-aging cream that opens up new doors for women (and men) who want to look younger fast, without invasive procedures and without putting a hole in your wallet.

The benefits of Instant Wrinkle Reducer include:

  • Instant wrinkle reduction
  • It’s painless
  • It’s affordable
  • It’s VERY convenient
It’s pretty simple. When you use Instant Wrinkle Reducer, you get up to 8 hours of less wrinkles. You’ll look young and vibrant in that time thanks to this formula from Skinception – one of the most respected names in the business, with products like Kollagen Intensiv and Intensiv Stretch Mark Therapy.
The company has an expert understanding of human skin and how to bring out external beauty. They’ve obviously used that expertise here and it clearly shows, with a product that gets you Botox-like results, without Botox injections.


You can’t have one without the other, and Instant Wrinkle Reducer isn’t perfect. The results aren’t permanent, for example, and among other things:
  • It isn’t cheap
  • It’s not permanent
  • It’s not (completely) natural
Some folks might be put off by the presence of more synthetic ingredients in Instant Wrinkle Reducer. That’s a valid issue, but it’s the trade-off you get for instant results and of this magnitude.
Still, it’s a Skinception product, which typically blends more natural moisturizers, emollients and related ingredients in its stuff than its competition. Instant Wrinkle Reducer is an excellent product regardless, and this shouldn’t put you off buying the product if you want instant results.


The magic’s in the formula. In Instant Wrinkle Reducer that magic centers on that peptide found in Botox, called Argireline, which has the same mechanism of action as that $800 per injection anti-aging treatment we’re tired of mentioning. Instant Wrinkle Reducer also has a natural moisturizer called hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in skin and decreases with age.
Hyaluronic acid increases moisture retention, so skin looks youthful and supple.


You probably know Skinception best as the company behind Kollagen Intensiv, Dermefface FX7 scar removal gel and Skinception Argan Oil, among others. It’s a small company that makes an exclusive line of anti-aging skincare products with an excellent reputation. That’s reassuring, because it tells you where the product comes from, that there’s plenty of science put into it, along with live customer service seven days a week and a 90 day money-back guarantee.


Instant Wrinkle Reducer might just be the best anti-aging product you ever buy. It’s quick, effective and you’ve got 90 days to try the product and get your money back if you’re not happy. Trust us, you’ll be very happy with Instant Wrinkle Reducer, and quickly get those comments about how you look incredible – did you just do something? Buy Instant Wrinkle Reducer and you’ll see changes fast.

The #1 Rated System for Men's Hair Regrowth

Why Choose Profollica Over Hair Implant Surgery and Other Re-Growth Options?

While you may have been told otherwise, the truth is that hair replacement without drugs or surgery is an absolute possibility. Yes, there are a number of products and hair loss "solutions" that promise all kinds of results but do not deliver, but that doesn't mean that every hair loss product that you come across should be ignored.
In fact, ignoring the Profollica hair loss system is a mistake that could cost you a lot more than your hair. It could also cost you a lot of money and possibly your health. Whether you choose to simply let your hair be and hope that it doesn't fall out more or take the plunge and fork over thousands of dollars for surgery, there is a large chance that you will not find the results you were hoping for. What's worse than that is the fact that surgery can often come with a number of damaging side effects while prescription hair loss drugs are known for wreaking havoc on the male reproductive system.
With the large risk of side effects, can you really afford to risk trying anything other than an all natural hair loss system?
The makers of Profollica don't think so, and that is why they have spent years calculating a potent and effective group of products that can bring far more benefits than drawbacks to your scalp.
Now there truly is a way for you to have that full head of hair that you always dreamed of without going under knife, risking your health, or emptying out your pockets.
When using Profollica, it should be noted that there is absolutely no need to utilize or purchase any other hair loss products at all. You can stop spending money on other shampoos, gels, lotions, pills, supplements, prescription drugs, or even toupees. All you need to do is use the three products as directed and then wait for your scalp and your life to benefit.
Thousands of men around the world are shocked by the results that they notice after simply using this system for a few months in a row. Not only do they note that their hair has stopped falling out, they are thrilled with the fact that they have more hair and that their hair is exponentially thicker than it used to be.
An infinite number of people are affected by hair loss everyday for a variety of reasons, but the good news is that Profollica is targeted at treating them all. Whether your lack of hair is a result of aging, illness, or even a hereditary issue, the natural ingredients in this system are designed to go to work right away. It prevents all kinds of hair loss and can stimulate re-growth in even the most desperate of cases when used correctly.
There is no other way to describe it. Profollica gives you the chance to get your hair back while also saving you time, money, and all kinds of risk in one shot.
You no longer have an excuse to hide your head, as the solution you have been waiting for is right here.
For more information, go to Profollica.com.


11 Folding and Organization Hacks! | Clever DIY Clothes and Bedding Folding

Learn how to fold pants, jackets, shirts, and more with our easy to follow DIY folding hacks! These folding hacks will help you stay organized in your home and when you travel. Fold up and watch these clever folding hacks!Welcome to your cheat sheet for creative and unique DIY projects, mixed with daily life fixes that keep you and your family in mind. Consider your life hacked!

Hot items collection!


Spare Ribs Recipe - How To Smoke Spare Ribs

BBQ spare ribs recipe. My recipe for smoking spare ribs. You will rub your spare ribs, put the spares on the smoker and allow them to smoke for several hours. Then you wrap the spare ribs to get perfectly tender BBQ spare ribs. Then you apply a barbecue glaze at the end on your spare ribs and allow that to set. Once your spare ribs are done you have tender, sweet and spicy, juicy barbecue spare ribs that have been slow-smoked.

5+ Tips for Growing Cucumbers in Containers

This is how I grow my cucumbers in containers. I give out all my secrets LOL... well how I do it anyway. I cover: Container Mix, Rooting Stems, Leaf Removal, Fertilizing, Epsom Salt, Watering, Water Spray, Insect Management and Using Dust. This method is for container plants as they suck the life and moisture out of the container mixes!


How to make Self Watering System for your Plants using waste Plastic Bottle and a Rope

You will learn How to make Self Watering System for your Plants using waste Plastic Bottle and a Rope This Irrigation system has several advantages: 1- We are recycling and reusing Disposable Materials 2- Economics of water, no waste 3- Irrigation Autonomy for 3 days, Let's start! You will need: Plastic Bottles Rope, Cotton or Polyester Scissors Knife with screwdriver Small welder With the Welding Iron I will make holes to house the Barbantes I cut the Strings with 25 cm, and I will put in the holes With the Scissors I will cut in X To the hose inlet for water replenishment The purpose is for when removing the hose the hole is completely closed, this prevents the entry of insects, for example mosquitoes. These Bottles are in our Garden with Cabbages, the drip is at 15 seconds, we have problems with lack of water, so it is an alternative to Irrigation and water saving.


10 Exercises All Men Should AVOID!

These are 10 exercises all men should avoid. Not only should you stop doing these exercises but you should never do them again. These are the worst gym workout mistakes if you're trying to avoid an injury. You'll learn about exercises that cause shoulder impingement, lower back pain, and knee problems.How many times have you done an exercise & then as soon as you finish you feel pain. You might feel it in your lower back or your shoulder but you find yourself thinking did I do something wrong or does this exercise just suck. Well it really isn't always you. There are a lot of exercises out there that are plain bad for you & they only continue to exist just because they've been passed down from one misinformed gym to the next, & noon's been smart enough to realize that these common exercises are no good. So today we're going over 10 exercises that all men should avoid & these exercises aren't only exclusive to men. Women should avoid these exercises as well it's just that in this video we'll be sticking to exercises that i usually find men doing wrong. The very first one that I want to start with is actually a group of exercises that guys are drawn to like moths to a flame. I'm talking about all the selector ab machines at your local gym. The machines that you usually start by sitting down pulling out the pin, selecting your weight, then grabbing some handles behind your head & doing crunches. These machines are not only a waste of time but they are also dangerous for your lower back. All these selector ab machines are locked into a range of motion, meaning that your joints & your disks can't travel down their natural path, you can only travel down the path that the machine has set for you. Even if you adjust the machine to your body perfectly, which by the way is very hard to do, but even if you somehow had a machine customized for your body you can still easily run into lower back issues because you're still locked in a set range of motion throughout the entire exercise. Besides a greater potential for a lower back injury you will also get significantly less results from these machines than if you stuck to regular ab exercises like crunches, hanging knee tucks, & declined situps. The reason is once again due to the fact that your locked into a range of motion. The core's main responsibility is stabilization. And it's important to improve your functional core strength because your core isn't only responsible for stabilizing your trunk but it stabilizes your whole body. It is the bridge that connects your lower body to your upper body. When you're locked in a range of motion you take all of the stabilization normally required for ab exercises out of the movement. The really ironic part is that those abdominal stabilizer muscles that you're not working on these machines are very important to strengthen in order to prevent the lower back injury that you'll likely experience on one of these machines. Due to the fact that you're not working your stabilizers you're missing out on all of those deep tissue abdominal muscles like your transverse abdominus & your only targeting mostly your rectos abdominus which is the very outer layer six pack looking muscle. The transverse abdominus is very important to work because not only does it help prevent injury, but it also pulls your stomach in keeping everything nice & tight giving you that flat stomach look. If you want to make your ab exercises tougher use weights by simply holding a dumbbell or a plate either behind your head or across your chest while doing regular traditional ab exercises. Once again if you don't know where to start start with exercises like stability ball crunches, declined situps, & hanging knee tucks. The next exercise you should avoid is the behind the head shoulder press. First off there is absolutely no advantage to going behind your head. None. Even though I'm sure some old school guys will be disagreeing with me in the comments below you can research this yourself & you'll find that when you go behind the head you're still targeting the same muscles that you would if you went in front of your head & there's no advantage when going behind your head that will allow you to build your shoulder muscle faster.


You Won’t Believe These Are CAKES!

In this kitchen, there’s almost nothing that we can’t turn into cake, and by the time they’re done it’s hard to tell the cake from the original! Whether it’s a caked up food item like a burger with chocolate patty, pink velvet watermelon or vanilla cake turkey you’ll want to take a bite! Not to mention an ombre cake nail polish bottle, and vanilla toffee handbag that you’ll want to take out on the town- everything gets layered up with the help of some sweet Italian meringue buttercream and the perfect fondant details

10 cute 3-MINUTE hairstyles for busy morning! Quick and easy hairstyles for school!

In this video we do 3-minute hairstyles for busy morning. These are easy and quick hairstyles for girls.



Becoming a parent can be one of the most amazing and stressful experiences anyone can go through. Not only because you have to take care of a cute tiny baby but also because it completely changes your life. So, in this video, we wanted to share with you some of our most interesting and amazing life hacks that every parent should learn before their baby is born.