
Hair Loss, and What You Should Know About it

Why am I Losing My Hair?
There are many reasons for hair loss in men. They range from stress and illness to adverse effects from some medications. However, 95 % of American men suffering from hair loss are doing so because it's in their genes. Androgenic alopecia, commonly referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB) is by far the leading cause of hair loss in men. You should love your Mom and Dad, but if you're a man and you're losing your hair, it's probably because they passed a sensitivity to a particularly strong form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.
What is DHT?
DHT is an androgen, or hormone, that attacks your hair follicles, by shrinking them at first, in a process called follicle miniaturization, and gradually reducing the anagen, or “growth” phase of your hair in susceptible areas, including around the temple and crown areas of your head. Your hair becomes brittle and covers less of your scalp in this process, until the hair follicles inevitably die, thus ending hair growth. DHT is the leading cause of follicle miniaturization, therefore, when you're looking for a treatment for your hair loss, be sure to choose a treatment, such as Profollica™, that tackles hair loss by addressing your DHT levels.
Can I Grow My Hair Back?
The good news is, you're living in a day and age when treatments for male pattern baldness are readily available. The even better news is that some treatments, such as Profollica, are clinically proven to slow, and in some cases, completely stop hair loss. The trick is addressing hair loss early. While it is common to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, if you notice your hairline receding (for example, if you can see your scalp), or your crown is thinning, you should address your hair loss immediately.
What if I Don't Address My Hair Loss Early?
Here are some numbers to think about. By age 35, two-thirds of American men experience some form of hair loss. Eighty-five per cent of men are losing hair by age fifty. Even at the age of 21, 25 % of American men are experiencing male pattern baldness. Have the men in your family lost hair? If you're a North American man, chances are it will eventually hit you. The beauty of Profollica is that by addressing the overwhelming cause of male pattern baldness – excessive DHT – you can minimize, or even stop hair loss.
How Does Profollica Work?
Profollica is a three-step, all natural therapy to reduce excessive DHT and encourage your dormant hair follicles to grow hair again. It helps men suffering from male pattern baldness feel attractive again by addressing their hair loss from the inside out, with a daily supplement to reduce your DHT levels, a daily shampoo that stimulates your scalp and awakens your dormant follicles, and an activator gel containing Trichogen, which recent lab tests have suggested reduces hair loss in 90% of male users. Over 85 % of men using Profollica™ rated their hair growth from “medium” to “good”. By using a three-part, all-inclusive solution to male pattern balding, Profollica is helping men address their hair loss. Check out Profollica today!

Beating Male Depression

Despite what you may have heard, depression affects men as profoundly as it does women.
Yes, we've all heard the jokes about the male mid-life crisis and the questions of self-identity that go with it.
But there's a darker side to depression in men. Over a million people take their lives worldwide each year. American men are three to four times more likely to commit suicide than women. In fact, American men between 20 and 24 have a suicide rate seven times higher than women in the same age bracket.
While not all depressed men are going to commit suicide, symptoms of depression affect men's lives and can have a profound impact on their careers, health and their loved ones. Symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, guilt or helplessness, low mood and an inability to feel pleasure, lack of energy and insomnia.
Compounding the problem is the fact that men can find it difficult to reach out and ask for help with depression. Reaching out can make men feel unmanly and weak.
This article outlines how to reach out to men experiencing depression, either yourself or someone you know.
First of all, talk to people. While men often find it difficult to talk about depression, they're more likely to talk about depression-related symptoms they might experience, like insomnia or lack of energy. Talking to a doctor is a good place to start, as it may help diagnose the root cause of the symptoms.
Don't bottle up your feelings. If you've had a blow out with someone, tell someone about it. Alleviate the tension that can build up inside.
Stay active. Exercise benefits both the body and mind, and not only helps you sleep better, it's a great stress relief and an effective way to shed excess pounds. Recent studies are now linking depression to obesity. At the very least, you'll look better with regular exercise. Chances are, you'll feel better too.
Maintain a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables. Some of the best depression-fighting foods include brown rice, whole grains, leafy vegetables and oily fish. Salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines are all high in the omega-3 fatty acid EPA. In a 2002 clinical study, researchers found that participants who took a gram of fish oil each day experienced a 50% reduction in depressive symptoms, including insomnia, feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts.
Stay away from processed foods and foods that are high in fat and sugar. Also avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, which can make depressive symptoms much worse.
Practice relaxation techniques and exercises like yoga. Have a massage, or practice aroma therapy. Lemon oil, for example, is a powerful antidepressant and clinical studies have shown it can reduce stress.
Try to sleep between seven and eight hours a night. This can be difficult when experiencing depression, as insomnia is a common depressive symptom. Therefore, practice good sleep hygiene. Make your bedroom an inviting place to sleep. Keep it dark and cool and avoid coffee and stimulants before going to bed. Having said this, try not to get upset if you can't sleep. Avoid sleeping pills, and with enough healthy lifestyle factors, you'll eventually sleep better.
Don't forget to do something you enjoy! Spend time on a hobby or something you enjoy. Maybe it's golfing. Maybe you're a stamp collector. Whatever you enjoy, spend some time to do it. And if it gets you outside when the sun is shining, even better.
Review your lifestyle. Many men who experience depressive symptoms are also perfectionists. In some cases it can be wise to reduce expectations or workload. Or even explore the options of a new career.
If nothing else, take a break from your regular routine. A vacation can do wonders for your life perspective, but even a few days, or a few hours can help.
And finally try a good human growth hormone (HGH) releaser. These are dietary supplements that boost HGH production in men and women, which reduce the effects of aging, including fewer wrinkles, less body fat, increased lean muscle mass and enhanced sex drive.
An HGH releaser can reduce depressive symptoms in men and boost overall quality of life, including more sex, younger appearance and increased feelings of well-being. And because they're dietary supplements, they're available without a doctor prescription. Provacyl is a good HGH releaser for men, as it's specifically formulated with natural ingredients to address andropause, or the steady decrease of hormone production in men, and comes with no known side effects.
Depression in men is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences. But it doesn't have to. With the tips you've found in this article you're equipped to manage depression and minimize the disruption it can create in either your life, or someone you know.


Vigorelle and Sex For Senior Women

Throw out any preconceptions you have about seniors and desire. According to a new study, the senior sex drive is alive and kicking. In fact, if we're to believe the findings of a new study, it's thriving.

Admittedly, it's not a ground-breaking conclusion that people want more sex. And as the researchers expected, health took a bite out of the libido. Higher BMI, heart attacks, depression and arthritis were among the ailments that contributed to a decrease in sexual activity.
And there are challenges to sex among seniors, among which, vaginal dryness is an issue. Fortunately, there's a natural and effective remedy for that, in Vigorelle.
But it is encouraging to know that the sex drive marches forward, regardless of age. Take care of it and you'll be a sex-lovin' senior.

About the Study

The study, conducted as part of the Women's Health Initiative, consisted of 27, 357 women between 50 and 79. And as the researchers expected, sexual activity decreased with age.
Roughly half of the women in the survey reported having sex in the past year at the start of the study. That number was higher, at 70%, for women who were married or with a regular partner.
What the researchers didn't expect was that, of the women who reported dissatisfaction with their sex lives, 57% wanted more sex, not less.
The study is revolutionary in the sense that it's the first proof that women are not content with the lack of sex that often accompanies menopause. And this contradicts previous assumptions, among which that if vaginal dryness was an issue, desire would falter.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Has Little Impact

The study also illustrates that hormone replacement therapy has declined in popularity, and that it was not likely to increase frequency of sexual activity.
As the researchers noted, women who were on HRT at the start of the study reported higher levels of sexual frequency than those who were not. However, they were surprised to discover that the women assigned to take HRT as part of the study were not more likely to have regular sex as women taking placebo pills.
The researchers also noted that use of hormone replacement therapy has declined since the Women's Health Initiative - the same organization that conducted the study - released its findings in 2002 that combined progestin and estrogen therapy may come with significant health risks, including heart attacks, strokes and even breast cancer.

Gels: A Woman's Best Friend?

Another key finding of the study was that most of the women suffered from vaginal dryness. And yet, as many women avoided hormone pills, they either abstained from sex or simply had sex with discomfort.
And they noted that vaginal atrophy - loss of vaginal tissue and muscle tone - was an issue for many women with dryness. In a case of 'Use it or Lose it', the less a woman had sex, the greater loss of sexual function and enjoyment of sex.
Fortunately, while hormone pills have declined in popularity, vaginal creams are designed to treat dryness and make sex pleasurable. And among them, Vigorelle is a leader.
Unlike most drugstore lubricants, Vigorelle consists of natural ingredients, including l- arginine, ginkgo biloba and suma root. Designed for women with sensitive skin, Vigorelle comes with no harmful pharmaceuticals like nonoxynol-9. Water-based and condom-compatible, it's ideal for instant arousal.
What's more, Vigorelle is highly sensual. Add a little Vigorelle and OO LA LA.
Fighting dryness has never been more enjoyable and rarely as safe. Put some Vigorelle in your life, and going by the results of the study, you'll spend more time doing pleasurable things in bed than sleeping, whether you're 53 or 90!


HGH is Not Steroids

Human Growth Hormone is not steroids. Read that again. HGH and anabolic steroids are not the same thing. Got it? Good, because there are so many misconceptions about both agents of human growth and development that most people simply lump them into the same category.
Heck, even the media doesn't know the difference. Most stories you read about performance enhancing drugs just hide the fact that the journalist who wrote the story doesn't have a clue about what steroids are, what HGH does, and that there's no grey area that separates the two in athletic competition. HGH is not steroids. Simple as that.

A Definition Please...

HGH is a synthetic version of growth hormone, a 191 amino acid protein-based peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland and responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Growth hormone determines your height, bone density, skin condition and your body's ability to repair itself and look young.
Anabolic steroids are a drug that mimics the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Such drugs, including Halotestin and Durabolin, increase muscle size and strengthen bones. They're legal only with a doctor's prescription to treat medical conditions related to lack of testosterone. When taken for reasons other than this purpose, they're illegal.
Having said this, both HGH and steroids have anabolic properties, meaning they can can 'build up' human tissue. And in some cases, they produce similar benefits. They also share similar side effects, and in the event you're looking for a safer alternative to HGH and steroids for a natural advantage in the gym, we'll review that too.

Where the Confusion Comes From

HGH and steroids are both legally available to treat medical conditions related to hormone deficiencies. Some endocrinologists prescribe HGH to treat growth hormone deficiency, in children and adults. When administered to a child, HGH can increase height, which makes it a popular treatment for children who demonstrate stunted growth.
HGH is also approved to treat cachexia รข€“ loss of body mass from AIDS.
Steroids are a legal way to treat deficiencies in testosterone. Such drugs can cause puberty to start early and can treat boys with a genetic disorder. As with HGH, they're legal only when prescribed by a doctor.
Both HGH and steroids are synthetic and have performance enhancing properties. They can both increase muscle volume and human performance, though steroids more dramatically than HGH.
Their anabolic properties make both HGH and steroids an attractive option for individuals who want to enhance the human condition. In that light, HGH is most often abused for cosmetic reasons, particularly to look younger. And steroids are often misused between 10-100 times their recommended dosage to build muscle mass.

Handle With Care

While both treatments are synthetic, HGH is a synthetic form of growth hormone. Somatropin is a well-known patented version of HGH.
Steroids, though designed to mimic testosterone, are simply drugs.
As you may have heard, both synthetic HGH and steroids come with a concerning list of side effects. Among other things, HGH when taken with injections can cause abnormal bone growth, nausea, joint stiffness, increased risk of diabetes, several forms of cancer and more.
But it's those steroids, and the many health risks associated with them, that have received the most attention in media circles. These include:
  • damage to sperm
  • permanent impotence
  • shrunken testicles
  • gynecomastia (man breasts)
  • hair loss
  • acne
Steroids are also linked to increased blood pressure, risk of heart attack and stroke. There is also compelling evidence that steroids can cause irritability, intense mood swings and 'roid rage'. The death and double murder surrounding former WWE superstar Chris Benoit's early demise is an infamous case of such a phenomena.
Men looking to make gains in the weight room should avoid needles completely, be it from HGH or steroids. Instead, they might consider another route.

A Safer Alternative: The HGH Releaser

An HGH releaser is a dietary supplement of herbals and amino acids designed to stimulate natural production of growth hormone.
Unlike synthetic HGH, an HGH releaser contains no growth hormone. Instead, it's formulated to encourage the pituitary gland to release growth hormone naturally, for similar benefits of more intrusive HGH injections, but with milder results and without the reported side effects.
The HGH releaser has received substantial media attention in recent years as an anti-aging supplement. And yet, with the influence of growth hormone on muscle development, a natural growth hormone supplement may have applications for all men looking to build muscle naturally, but without the dangers of synthetic HGH and those nasty steroids.
An HGH releaser may help with muscle growth and offer more energy. But to benefit the most from such a product, it's advisable to choose an HGH releaser with the right dosage for muscle growth and energy, yet within safe and acceptable levels.
To that end, and if this interests you, look for an HGH releaser formulated specifically for muscle growth. Ideally it should consist of an oral supplement and a spray with Alpha-GPC. The product should be taken twice a day, once in the morning and again at night, to maximize your circadian rhythm and natural, exercise-induced growth hormone release.
With this in mind, you might consider HyperGH 14x, which in addition to having the above prerequisites, comes with enteric coating, which maximizes absorption and delivers the most ingredients to the small intestine where they're processed and used for the greatest benefit.


Why Does ClearPores Beat Out Other Acne Creams on the Market?

Everywhere you go and everywhere you look there is an overwhelming amount of information and products that offer huge, too-good-to-be-true claims on how they can rid your life of acne and blemishes forever. When you walk down the drug store isle you can't even count the number of bottles and jars of creams and pills that offer you clear skin for almost no money.

But usually if something is cheap, then it generally doesn't work. How many over the counter remedies have you tried that have just ended up in your bathroom cupboard, doing nothing more than taking up space and certainly not helping to clear up your skin? If you had the chance to recoup all that money and put it toward a skin cleansing system that really worked, wouldn't your rush out to do that?
Well unfortunately the majority of drug store brand acne products don't come with a money back guarantee. And haven't you often wondered why not? Well the answer is certainly clear — those products don't work and those companies are banking on your desperation to rid yourself of acne that they will sell any concoction whether it works or not just to capitalize on your situation. That certainly isn't very ethical and so not only are you left with a dent in your wallet you are also left with skin that is still riddled with blemishes.
Well luckily for you, the folks who have spent years researching and formulating the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System really do not only know what they are doing, but put their money where their mouth is and fully guarantee their product.
The Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System is a unique approach that not only works to clear up your acne and blemishes but also works to eliminate them forever. Just imagine how your life will be once you no longer are embarrassed by the condition of your skin. Yes it is time to stop relying on drugstore products that don't deliver what they promise and put your faith and effort into a company that stands behind their products and their claims to clearer and healthier looking skin that is acne free.
The Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System is a three part, natural product that works from the inside and the outside to combat acne and blemishes. The facial cleansing product helps to remove dirt and irritants from the skin's surface and deep within the pores. The herbal supplement works from the inside to support your body's comprehensive systems to help reduce irritations and swelling of the skin and to ensure that the acne and blemishes do not reappear. The third component of the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System is the protection cream which not only helps to keep pores clean but acts as a moisturizer as well, giving you that healthy glow that you so want to see.
So really there is no need to suffer from the adverse affects of acne any longer. You too can feel and see the benefits of the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System almost immediately. There is no reason to wait to have your confidence return and your outlook on life improve. Order your Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System today and look forward to a healthier, happier tomorrow.
For more information, go to ClearPores.com.


Penis Enlargement and Enhancement Techniques: What REALLY Works?!?

There is a great deal of information — and a great deal of misinformation -- on the internet these days about penis enhancement products.
With such a proliferation of half-truths and outright scams, it's tough these days to know what the real truth is when it comes to male enhancement.
Well, here's the plain truth: There are very few penis enlargement techniques that ACTUALLY work.
Let's start by looking at the different techniques available to you...

Male Enhancement Technique #1: Extension Devices

Penis extension devices are widely available online. Some of them are pretty funny-looking. Some of them cost a fortune.
But do they actually work?
Well, they can, actually. If you are willing to put in the time, effort, and dedication, using the right device — and using it properly — you can start to see results within a few weeks.
You need to make sure you are using a good device, such as the ProExtender and you need to make sure you don't injure yourself. And you need to be persistent — you won't see any change at all unless you use the device every day, or multiple times per day, for at least a few weeks.

Male Enhancement Technique #2: Penis Enlargement Exercises

Exercises can definitely help to enlarge your penis — perhaps even a little better than extender devices.
That's because you have greater control and more options when you are doing your exercises manually.
Again, to ensure that your male enhancement exercise program works — and to ensure that you don't injure yourself (OUCH!) — you need to follow a well-respected, proven program. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Make sure your information is reliable and safe.
But once again, they key to making your penis enlargement exercise program work is to keep at it.
You'll need to start off slow, then build your way up to a program that has a real impact on your length and girth. It takes time, patience, and dedication. You'll want to perform your exercise routines at least once or twice a day for at least a few weeks.
The most successful penis enlargement exercise participants will keep at it for many months to see impressive results.

Male Enhancement Technique #3: Penis Enlargement Pills

The best thing about penis enlargement pills is that you can get results fast.
You don't need expensive, cumbersome equipment, and best of all, you don't need to invest hours and hours of your precious time doing exercises for weeks on end.
...All you need is one little pill each day for real results, almost instantly!
Of course, there is a drawback to this method. The reality is, most male enhancement pills out there simply don't work. A number of fly-by-night manufacturers have produced pills that will do literally nothing for the length or girth of your penis, or your sexual performance.
When you're looking for a penis enlargement pill that will give you the results you desire, look for a pill that includes proven ingredients, and that is doctor-endorsed, with a strong refund policy (i.e., if it doesn't work, you can just return it!).
That's how you'll know you're dealing with a reputable company and a legitimate product.
For example, VigRX Plus is a very well-known name in this industry. Its impressive list of proven medicinal ingredients is second-to-none, including the following powerful herbs:
  • Bioperine - clinically proven to increase herbal supplement absorption rates
  • Puncture Vine - used in Europe for thousands of years as a method to treat sexual dysfunction and increase libido
  • Epimedium Leaf Extract - also known as "Horny Goat Weed"; has been used for thousands of years as a libido enhancer
  • Ginkgo Leaf - Ginkgo Biloba provides nutritional support for mental alertness, enhanced vitality level, circulatory health, and blood vessel health
  • Asian Red Ginseng - traditionally used to overcome general weakness and deliver extra energy, it also has aphrodisiacal powers
  • Saw Palmetto Berry - has a long-held a reputation as a sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac
  • Muira Pauma Bark Extract - used to restore sexual virility and to increase sexual desire and potency in men
  • Catuaba Bark Extract - the most famous of all the Brazilian aphrodisiac plants
  • Hawthorn Berry - rich in bioflavonoids, which relax and dilate the arteries; also contains powerful antioxidants that help increase blood flow and oxygen to the heart and other areas of the body
This doctor-approved formula has a proven track record and a great refund policy: If you're not completely satisfied after trying VigRX Plus for 67 days, you don't pay a penny. Not bad, huh?
A solution like VigRX Plus is an easy, discreet way to achieve the male enhancement results you're looking for — without spending countless hours doing exercises manually or with cumbersome equipment.
If you want to find out more about VigRX Plus, check out: VigRXPlus.com

Foreplay to Tantalize Your Man

Foreplay--- it's one of those things that men and women just can't agree upon. Women generally crave it while men just can't seem to get the hang of it. Women like it longer while men prefer to skip it altogether. Granted, men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but the difference in the perspective of both sexes is no reason to chuck foreplay into black-hole oblivion. The fact is that foreplay is to sex what stretching is to workout--- you can't get to the main event if you don't do the warm-ups first. Needless to say, foreplay is an important sexual activity that should not be ignored.
The thing is that foreplay is always thought of as something only women enjoy. Like every other myth out there about sex, this one is about as true as the Roswell aliens. Even though some men don't care to admit it, they also like foreplay--- albeit not on the same level as women do. You can't expect them to beg for it, but they would appreciate it all the same if you initiate it. Flagging libidos be damned, because with products like Vigorelle.com and its turn-on cream, there is no excuse to skip foreplay. If you want to be hailed a sex goddess, then you have to learn how to tantalize your man through foreplay. And if you really want to drive your man wild, don't just learn how to do it, but learn how to do it well.

It's All About the Attitude

Generally, foreplay is a preamble to sex. Not to put pressure on you girls, but what you do during foreplay is a big indication of the things you're capable of doing afterwards. Now this does not mean that you have to be as prolific as Jenna Jameson in sex to be good at foreplay. More often than not, it's all about your attitude towards pleasing your man that counts. With that said, don't approach the activity as though it's a job, but approach it as though you would not want anything more than pleasing your partner.
The thing is that women have different sexual appetites. Some women have it big while some just don't. If you find that you can't initiate sex or that you want it but just not in the mood for it, don't despair because it's not yet the end of the world for you. There are good products out there that can help you get your groove back in bed. Products like Vigorelle, an all-natural sexual enhancement cream, might just be the thing you need to get your active sex life back on track.

Dress to Seduce

Unlike women who are into scent, touch, and taste, men are more into visuals. It means that they get turned on easily by what they see. You can use this to your advantage by donning a sexy attire whenever you and your man are about to do the horizontal tango. Unless you're into costumes, lacy lingerie would be enough. Even though this doesn't count as foreplay just yet, seeing you in a revealing dress is sure to get your man excited.

Explore Where You Haven't Gone Before

Just like how you girls would like your bodies to be explored and admired, guys also like it when you go the extra mile and discover other erogenous areas of their bodies. Instead of going straight down there, tantalize your man by going through different parts of his body and giving them the pampering they deserve. Take time to kiss those areas you haven't kissed before and stroke him in places that can make him groan in pleasure. Better yet, let him watch you explore yourself or take his hand to help you apply your Vigorelle cream.

Taste This, Taste That

The tongue isn't dubbed as the strongest muscle in our body for nothing. When it comes to the sack, your tongue can be a very powerful tool--- if used rightly. If you plan to plant pleasant kisses all over your man's body, be sure to incorporate a little tongue action. By little, I mean a bit of licking here and there--- not slobbering. Chances are your man will find this ticklish and it will heighten his sexual yearning even more. If you want to be more sensual, you can also use whipped cream and chocolate syrup with your Vigorelle turn-on cream into the process. It's all up to you.

Dirty Talk

This shouldn't come as a surprise--- men like being dirty talked to. Whispering to your guy the things you'd like to do to him is as big a turn on as actually doing it. You can talk as dirty to him as you like, but there's no need to use profanity. Unless both of you are okay with blunt words, then don't utter them. Also, when dirty talking, make sure that you do exactly what you told your man you'd do. Don't disappoint him by saying one thing and then doing another.

The Final Word

Men are aggressive by nature, but sometimes they also like to see their women take charge. Many men even find women who are aggressive and assertive a major turn on. If you want to push the sexual buttons of your man, be both in the bedroom, but don't go for the overkill.
If you have not thought about tantalizing your man through foreplay before, then now is the perfect time to consider it. Keep in mind that foreplay (and sex) is a give and take activity. Please your man the way you want to be pleased. In the end, you might be surprised to find out that it's actually very rewarding. There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving pleasure--- your man may even love you more for it!

The Truth About "Human Growth Hormone"

There is a great deal of buzz surrounding the term "Human Growth Hormone" or "HGH" these days.
Long understood for its role in human growth and development, HGH has recently begun to be recognized for its regenerative and anti-aging properties. Exciting new research points to the use of HGH in the reduction of wrinkles, weight loss, memory improvement, libido enhancement, and more.
But is the hype really true?!?
The answer is: It depends. Let's have a look at what Human Growth Hormone actually is - and how it can be used for its regenerative properties.

What Is Human Growth Hormone?

Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, is a hormone that is secreted from the pituitary gland (located at the base of your brain, near the front). It stimulates human growth and cell reproduction and regeneration.
As you age, your body naturally produce less HGH. You are no longer growing (like when you were a child or teenager) , so you no longer need to generate as many new cells on a regular basis.
And that's fine. But the loss of HGH is also what makes you age.
That's because HGH is not only responsible for skin cell growth; it also governs other bodily functions such as your metabolism, brain function, sexual responsiveness, ability to heal, muscle growth, weight loss, memory, and more.
Notice that all of the bodily functions governed by HGH are the areas that begin to suffer as you age.
For example, as HGH levels drop, your skin tone deadens, wrinkles appear, and skin slackens. That's because you no longer have the skin cell regeneration power of your youth.
As HGH levels continue to drop, you don't sleep as well anymore. You notice a decrease in your sex drive. That is a direct result of shifting hormone levels, plus changes in blood pressure and skin sensitivity - all of which are governed by HGH.
... Your muscle tone diminishes as your body begins to store more fat. This is due to decreased cell production and a reduced metabolic rate.
... Your clarity of thought and memory begin to suffer. Again, this is due to the slower rejuvenation of cells, this time in your brain.
The fact is, HGH directly and indirectly affects almost every part of your body.
Now, let's discuss methods of replacing HGH in your body to counteract some of the affects of the aging process.

Harnessing the Power of HGH

There are three treatment options for using HGH to counteract the effects of aging.
First, HGH can be injected into the patient. This is an effective treatment method, but injections don't last long and must be repeated often, rendering this method extremely expensive and inaccessible to most people.
Second, HGH can be ingested. This, however, is highly ineffective since HGH is incompatible with the digestive system and cannot be processed by your body.
Third, and most reliable, is a method of stimulating your body to produce its own HGH. This method is effective because a blend of proteins, amino acids, herbs, and other nutrients work together to target the anterior pituitary gland, causing it to produce and secrete more HGH into your body.
The result is that your body functions begin to improve and work like that of a much younger person.
To find out more about how you can stimulate the production of HGH in your body and combat wrinkles, muscle loss, weight gain, a lagging libido, and the many other ailments of aging, go to GenF20.com.


Good Relationship, So-So Sex?

Only those who are idealistic and have high standards when it comes to relationships are the ones who believe that there really is a perfect guy for every woman. Perfect relationships only exist in fairy tales, and they rarely happen in the real world. In any romantic relationship, it is almost quite natural to have one or two things uncommon between two people, for these add to the effort of adapting to each other's personalities. No matter how good and smooth things are in a relationship, a flaw, one way or another, eventually arises.

Poor Sexual Bond

A perfect scenario for this problem is when you are going out with someone who is totally into you. He or she treats you well, gets along fine with your relatives and friends, and both of you have a lot of things in common. Your relationship is perfect, except for one thing: he or she is terrible in bed or is not trying hard to please you sexually. In fact, this issue is very common among romantic relationships. The women are usually the ones who often complain about this problem.
Even though sex with your trophy hubby is not as fulfilling as your relationship, ditching your partner is not always the best solution. Often in these kinds of relationships, sex issues are worth fixing to make the relationship work. Less-thrilling sex is not a good enough reason to give up a good relationship with your partner, but a so-so sex life is also an alarming issue that should never be taken for granted. Remember that a fulfilling sexual relationship is vital to the strength and foundation of any relationship.

The Sex Makeover

It is generally common in new or fresh relationships that both parties are still in the process of getting to know each other. This means that it is only typical that the sex part in the relationship is still a bit edgy. While some couples are lucky to have instant physical rapport, there are some unfortunate lovers who still need to get used to each other's sexual habits and preferences. If you and your hubby are among the unfortunate couples, do not panic. You will eventually get used to your partner, especially if both of you are serious on making things work in your relationship.
Communicating well with your partner is also another way to solve the sex issues within your relationship. Although pointing out one's shortcomings and inabilities in the bedroom is really hard to do, it is still advisable to talk about the problems they encounter in their relationship. Honestly admitting to your partner that you are not fully satisfied with his or her lovemaking may eventually lead you to discover that he or she is also not happy with you as a lover.
In talking about sex issues with your partner, explain your views in a calm and subtle way. Never criticize or say outright bad things about how terrible he or she is as a lover. You can try phrasing your issues in a compliment form. This way, you have clearly pointed out the problem without directly judging or criticizing him or her as a lover.
Meanwhile, showing how you wanted to be pleased in bed is also an effective way to solve the boring and monotonous sexual relationship you have with your partner. If you know the parts of your body where you want to be touched and kissed, try to do it first on your partner. Men, for instance, are likely to adapt well in this treatment, for they prefer to be shown what to do instead of being told. If your partner still fails to respond to this treatment, you can then show him or her how you want to be touched and pleasured in bed. If your partner is doing something that is painful or uncomfortable to you, tell him or her to immediately stop.
When your partner shows improvement, do not forget to give praises and make sure that he or she knows that you appreciate the effort. You can do this by showing pleasure with body language or by simply moaning and sighing every time your partner does something pleasurable.
Another way to really heat up your sensation and pleasure is by using a stimulation cream such as Vigorelle. An all-natural product without any side-effects, Vigorelle can heighten your pleasure and intensify sensation. So even if your partner's lovemaking is not spectacular, you can still experience spectacular sex with Vigorelle.

Frequency Does Matter

On the other hand, one of the best solutions to improve your sexual bond with your partner is to simply have more sex. You see, the more sex you have, the more you tend to get addicted to it. Also, the more frequent you and your partner make love, the better you'll get to know and discover each other's turn-ons and dislikes in bed.
However, if you and your partner barely even have time for a regular sex, aiming to have more heated bedroom sessions is indeed difficult. With this problem, the best solution is to schedule it. When you have scheduled your intimate bond with your lover, you will be able to ready yourself for the moment, both physically and mentally.
Furthermore, you can also try assessing the reasons why your near-perfect partner is such a disappointment inside the bedroom. As medical experts explain, less energy and vigor in participating in any sexual act can be attributed to stress, fatigue, and hormonal fluctuations. To deal with the problem, you can advise your partner to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, as well as exercising daily. If there is still no improvement, you can also recommend therapy sessions with a certified sex counsellor for you and your partner.
You should also assess if you too have issues that consequently contribute to the downturn of your sexual relationship with your beloved partner. As mentioned earlier, communication is an important aspect in a relationship, so it is best to also keep an open mind to what your partner wants you to know and understand. If both of you are honest and open enough to discuss the distressing sex issues in your relationship, things will work out eventually and improvements will surely follow.

Dear Testosterone

Dear Testosterone. You're the manly hormone that makes me a guy. I didn't have much of a relationship with you until I hit puberty. Then we became good friends - boy did we! You deepened my voice and gave me bigger muscles. My bones got thicker and, heck, you even increased my penis size.
Thanks for that, Testosterone, because you helped me get sporadic erections and made me a stud in the bedroom.
So what happened to you, my friend, Mr. Testosterone? You were once so abundant that I could count on getting wood. Now that I'm over 40 I don't see you as much. My sex drive ain't firing on all-cylinders and my muscles aren't so big anymore!

Meet Mr. Low T

Testosterone, we had such a great relationship until I was about 40. But then you didn't come around quite as often. And another dude made his acquaintance with me. This dude is a bit of a downer, dear testosterone. He calls himself Low T and he came with this baggage:
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Loss of Muscles
  • Bones
  • Depression
  • Smaller Testicles
  • Larger Breasts
  • I really don't like Mr. Low T, my good friend Testosterone, because he affects my life quality in ways I don't enjoy. I heard a rumor that he typically shows up when Total Testosterone goes below 270ng/dL (9-38nmol/L). Is that true? Every man is different, but I need to know. Why did you do this to me?

    Why Mr. Low T Keeps Visiting

    If I'm gonna be totally honest, dear Testosterone, Mr. Low T is making life miserable. I feel less complete and I don't have as much energy as when you and I had a stronger relationship. I guess I have to accept that I'm partly to blame here. I read up and learned that while Mr. Low T may start popping by as I get older, he may come more often with:
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes type 2
    • Exposure to Phthalates and Gender-Bending Chemicals
    • Ongoing exposure to WiFi Radiation
    You know, I was really in shock when I heard that some habits I never even thought about affected my relationship with you, dear Testosterone. But now I know - I've got to clean up my act a little bit if I'm going to give Mr. Low T the butt-kicking he deserves.
I promise I'll do it - because Testosterone makes me a man!

I Promise to Live By These Testosterone-Friendly Habits!

So here's the deal, dear Testosterone. I recognize there are some things that affect my relationship with you beyond my control. I spoke with my doctor about some of them, like inherited diseases or problems with my testicles.
But I also know that I can do a lot of things to stay good with you, and keep that butt-ugly Mr. Low T at a reasonable distance. I promise to:
Exercise - I've heard this so many times it's not funny. But it's true - my levels go up when I hit free weights, and I stay in good shape too. Plus, I look hot, so women will dig me.
Cook with CERAMIC Non-Stick Cookware - Yes, I was surprised to learn those cheap teflon non-stick pans are high in endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) but I've learned my lesson. Pay a little more for ceramic cookware and we're on better terms.
Don't Eat From Cans - I promise to eat fresh food where possible and avoid eating out of those gender-bending chemical-heavy cans I used to eat with!
Keep My Smartphone Out of My Front Pocket - No more tucking my iPhone in my front pocket. In fact, I'll keep my laptop off my lap top as well!

A Little TestRx Goes a Long Way

One more thing, dear Testosterone...
Despite my best efforts, I know as a man I could lose about 10% of you each decade after 30. And I just ain't cool with that. I want my erections back, along with greater sex drive and more muscle. I'll live by these good testosterone habits, but I'm also gonna do one more thing - I'm gonna put a little TestRX natural testosterone booster in my life, and feel like the man you want me to be.
See, I've heard about hormone replacement therapy and the risks linked to it. I also know researchers don't know if it's safe to use long-term, and the rumblings of health problems have me a little on edge.
So I'm gonna boost testosterone naturally, care of TestRX, and get you back with natural ingredients like Tongkat Ali. Combine TestRX with these good testosterone habits and I've got a feeling we'll both get our groove back!

Why Stretch Marks Form and How to Reduce Them

Whether you like it or not, your skin makes a statement and hints of where you're at along the journey of life. Got wrinkles? You're advancing in years. Age spots? You've spent time in the sun. Stretch marks? See below.
Stretch marks occur for a variety of reasons. The most obvious, of course, being from pregnancy. But stretch marks can also occur from adolescence, weight gain, some medical conditions. Even weight-lifting. Did you get that, guys?
Of course, it doesn't help that stretch marks occur in sexy places. Ok, the upper arms might not be the hottest thing since sliced bread, but stretch marks, or striae as they're known, frequently form on the thighs, hips, breasts and buttocks. And in summer time, when the clothes come off, that sucks.

What Causes Stretch Marks

Contrary to popular belief, stretch marks are more than skin that's simply been stretched too much. Stretch marks occur when the body secretes the glucocorticoid hormone during some life events (that's you, pregnancy). And this hormone prevents the necessary collagen and elastin fibroblasts required for tight, healthy skin.
The loss of these supportive proteins is detrimental to your skin, causing it to separate in the deeper layers. This results in the angry red striations that eventually give way to, you guessed it, stretch marks.
You can, however, reduce the appearance of stretch marks, and prevent them from forming in the first place, with Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy.
More on that to come. First, let's review how you can treat stretch marks, and why Stretch Mark Therapy should be at the top of your list for stretch mark-free skin.

About Stretch Mark Treatment

There are surgical treatments for stretch marks, including dermabrasion, chemical peels and laser surgery. Results for surgical treatments are variable and depend largely on age and skin condition. Such treatments show moderate success, though they're rarely covered by insurance plans.
You can also eat right, with a skin-friendly diet. Skin likes foods that are high in vitamins A and C, zinc and protein. Consider salmon and oily fish, nuts, carrots, milk and eggs. Your skin loves these foods, and you'd do well do make them a regular part of your diet, for healthy skin and great complexion. If any foods will reduce the formation of stretch marks, it's these.

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy Reduces Stretch Marks

Now, for some encouraging news. In a recent clinical study, of 13 women with post-pregnancy stretch marks, participants applied a 2 per cent concentration of Regestril on the affected areas for two months. At the end of the study, even the researchers were astounded by the results: a 72.5% reduction in the depth of stretch marks. And a 52% reduction in length.
And there's more good news for people with stretch marks. Another active ingredient in Stretch Mark Therapy, Pro-Coll-One+, stimulated collagen production by as much as 1190% when applied in a 2% concentration in a 56 day separate study. Seventy-eight per cent of study participants saw a noticeable improvement in skin smoothness, which improved by up to ten per cent.
Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy fades stretch marks. Scientifically formulated with the latest in skin care technology, it's a safe and effective way to erase those tell-tale markers on your body, of where it's been and what it's done. And in clothing-optional season, that's a good thing to have!

Tired of Looking Tired – Finally the Anti-Aging Cream that Works!

As we age, not matter if we live a healthy lifestyle or not, some days you just look tired. You know the feeling – at the end of the day, or even first thing in the morning – nothing is more depressing than having your co-worker announce in a loud voice, wow do you ever look tired today! You had a good eight hours sleep, but still those saggy eyes and wrinkles and age spots just make you look old and tired. It's disconcerting to say the least. You feel like you do everything that you are supposed to do – you eat right, you sleep well, you don't smoke, you avoid the sun, but still age is catching up with you and the wrinkles are relentless.
So maybe it's time to start to do something about it instead of just making faces at your reflection in the mirror. But where do you start to look? The advertisements and promises of this product and that product can be overwhelming. But luckily for you the teams of researchers and scientists who have designed the amazingly effective Kollagen Intensiv have been working hard for years just for you. They have taken all the guess work out of anti-aging products and their claims. They have formulated an anti-aging cream that not only works to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and dark under-eye circles, but that also helps to repair damage caused by the sun and smoking.
This anti-aging cream has been formulated from an extensive list of products that combine together to combat all the effects of aging. So not only will you start to look younger because the fine lines and wrinkles will start to disappear, but by sloughing off old skin cells, your skin will start to look fresher, more vibrant, and glowing. The natural moisturizers will penetrate below your skins outer surface to go deeper down into the epidermis layers that hold collagen that is necessary to retain the firm, tight look of younger skin.
Kollagen Intensiv will start going to work almost immediately. It's really effortless and painless – just adding this anti-aging cream into your morning and night cleansing routine will mean that within weeks you will start to see a noticeable difference in the look and feel of your skin. It works not only on repairing skin damage but also protects your skin from the elements and sun to ensure that your skin will retain the youthful appearance that you will soon start to notice.
And the folks behind this amazing anti-aging cream fully guarantee their product that if you are not fully satisfied, you can return the unused portion and get all your money back. But you won't even want to consider this when you start to see the remarkable results. And it gets better – if you buy two months supply today, you will get a third month at no extra charge. So why not start to look and feel younger today and purchase your youthful future and get started!
For more information, please visit the Kollagen Intensiv Homepage.


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Spirit Science ~ The Hidden Truths of Covid-19

If the earth can heal so much in such a short time then we definitely have hope of creating a better existence on earth, for all souls. I really hope this awakens people to the fact that we can make a difference and things can change if certain systems are put in place! Thank you for encouraging people to choose love over fear. Let's heal with the planet!


13 ways to kill parasites naturally

Have you eaten sushi in the last couple years?
Unwashed fruits or veggies?
Traveled abroad?
Played with animals or children?
You probably have parasites.
And research shows that parasites can be the hidden culprit behind gut issues, immune system problems (getting sick), weight gain, cravings, inflammation/pain, skin issues, fatigue, and so much more.
Imagine spending years and tens of thousands of dollars trying to figure out why you’re sick—only to eventually realize it was parasites all along.
Sadly, this is the TRUTH for many people.
Which is why my good friend and digestive health author/expert, Wade Lightheart, worked his butt off to perfect the ultimate anti-parasite formula.
The result is the most effective parasite detox product ever created.
You can take up to 12 capsules at a time for a safe, effective, yet gentle parasite cleanse that removes many of the most common offenders like ringworm and tapeworm.
Or you can take it when you dine out, especially when eating raw meat or vegetables—or when you travel abroad... to ensure you don’t get any NEW parasites in your system.
The rationale behind this product is pretty simple:
  • Parasites are a BIG problem, even in the US and Canada
  • Parasites attack your blood, organs and gut—they affect everything
  • Parasites do NOT go away on their own, which means...
  • If you haven’t cleaned them out of your body—parasites are hurting YOU.
The good news is... everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) about your health—the way you look, feel, perform... even how you age and how long you live—will all be improved by removing parasites.
I highly recommend you give it a try. Click here
P.S.—Parasites are horrible for your health. You almost certainly have them. And if you haven’t done a cleanse... odds are, you STILL have them.
I know I’m repeating myself... but these are the facts.
Which means your health can take a BIG leap forward by killing and eliminating them.


Save Thousands on Plastic Surgery and Other Expensive Treatments Using this Anti Aging Formula

Every day you can read about some famous celebrity or another going under the knife to get plastic surgery on their faces or bodies. Keeping that youthful look and glow is a billion dollar plastic surgery industry that is going strong and certainly seems to be the cure of choice for those who can afford it. But really is taking surgery risk really worth all the money and really worth all the possible complications? Is looking younger really worth all that?

Well certainly there are millions of people all over the world who think so. But what about for the average person who just doesn't have access to that kind of money or time or energy to spend toward drastic measures just to look younger — what can they do? Well luckily for them and you, the teams of researchers and doctors who have developed the GenFX have you all in mind.
This amazing anti aging product does more than just remove wrinkles and make you feel younger. It is a completely integrating human growth hormone (HGH) releaser that works with your body's natural process to generate the effect of plastic surgery without all the costs and inherent risks.
As we age, naturally our skin becomes less supple, wrinkles and age spots appear, and we just start to look older. Plastic surgery uses very invasive and risky methods to cut and pull back the skin to make it tighter so less wrinkles show. Often the effects of this kind of surgery are obvious and sometimes it can be darn right starting to see the overnight effects on someone and more often than not, they look a little odd.
By using GenFX, an all natural HGH releaser there are no side effects from surgery and no overnight results that look unnatural. Over time, the effects of this amazing tonic work to restore a more youthful look and glow especially to your skin and face. You will look more rested, more alive, and you will start to feel more energized and happy. Those effects will be more natural and people will not know what you've been doing but they will certainly see and appreciate the results.
GenFX works with your body's natural systems, not against them. There are no inherent or startling side effects that you need to worry about. You don't have to spend hours in the doctor's office or days recuperating in a hospital or at home all bandaged up. You only need to take the GenFX anti-aging tonic once a day to start feeling the results.
Join the thousands of satisfied customers who have benefited from this amazing product. Order now and receive a free month's supply at no additional cost. And there is a 90 day guarantee, so if you are not completely satisfied and feeling younger within that time frame, feel free to return the product for your money back. But you will be feeling and looking younger within weeks — so why not give it a try and order your supply of GenFX today!
For more information, go to GenFX.com.



Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller is a naturopath and best-selling Amazon author. Her latest book, The Red Tea Detox, explains how anyone can lose up to 14 pounds in the blink of an eye by making and drinking their own delicious red tea. The diet has already helped thousands of people lose weight. Liz herself has lost 41 pounds since making the tea a regular part of her life.
Here are Liz’s answers to frequently asked questions about herself and her diet program:
What are your qualifications?“I have over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath (ND) specializing in healing through nutrition. I have degrees in both Psychology and Naturopathy. My interest in weight loss springs from my own battle with obesity. I was overweight throughout my childhood, teens, 20s, and 30s. At that point, I decided something had to change, and I decided to take charge, take stock and start making changes in my life for the better. Drawing from my own experiences, as well as from what I learned from my studies, I began to write weight loss books. My goal is to educate as many people as possible about the healing powers of food and how to easily incorporate these changes into their daily life.”
What is The Red Tea Detox Program?“I believe The Red Tea Detox is the breakthrough many people who have been struggling to lose fat have been waiting for. It is based on a delicious red tea, which I discovered in a remote area of Africa. This tea – which is not a “‘voodoo tea” as some claim but a real tea that you can make at home – works with your body’s natural fat-burning metabolism to help you lose weight – as much as 14 pounds in record time. That means you can lose weight with no doctor visits, no lectures about losing weight, no expensive pills, no starvation diets and no intense workouts.With the program, you get everything you need to lose weight, including the red tea recipe and all the sources for the 5 unique ingredients (which can be found at any grocery store for pennies).You also get :A complete 14-day meal plan that includes recipes for delicious snacks to satisfy your appetite and halt any cravings instantly. The meal plan covers four phases: The Red Tea Detox Phase 1: Days 1 – 5; The Red Tea Detox Phase 2: Day 6; The Red Tea Detox Phase 3: Days 7 and 8; The Red Tea Detox Phase 4: Calorie Restriction Based on BMR.The Red Tea Detox Workout, an exercise program which has the potential to almost double your fat-burning results.The Red Tea Detox Motivation Plan, which dispels the common myths about willpower and makes sure you stay motivated to lose maximum weight.” Why did you create this new diet plan?“My own struggles with being overweight reached a peak in my 30s after a difficult pregnancy. At the time I was 41 pounds overweight and desperate to find a solution. That’s when I heard about this amazing tea that tribesmen in Kenya drink to not feel hungry while they hunt for their next meal. This story, which many at the time believed was just a legend, really intrigued me – so much so, in fact, that I decided to travel to Africa. To make a long story short, I found the tea, and it was even better than I could have hoped. Not only does it stop hunger cravings but it also burns fat and boosts your energy. I knew I had to get the word out, so I wrote The Red Tea Detox so that others struggling to lose excess weight can get the lean body of their dreams – without exercising more or buying expensive weight loss drugs.” Who is this diet plan for?The Red Tea Detox works equally well for both women and men. It also doesn’t matter if you have a lot of weight to lose or just a few pounds. It can quickly help you achieve your weight loss goal. This program is ideal for anyone who is concerned about their health (especially if you are over the age of 35) … Anyone who wants to lose stubborn fat around their belly, butt, and thighs … anyone who wants to lose weight without feeling hungry or unsatisfied. It doesn’t matter how stubborn that belly fat has been, The Red Tea Detox can help you lose unwanted weight. You’ll re-balance your fat loss hormones and unblock crucial metabolic fat-burning steps, so you can control your fat-burning and fat-storing hormones and do it as easy as 1-2-3.” Why does this plan work so well? “The red tea is simply amazing. Plus, the easy-to-follow detox plan that goes with it is rooted in sound scientific principles. It’s fat cell shrinking effects are based on scientific research and the latest discoveries in how fat burning is related to stress, proper hormone levels, adequate sleep, nutrition and exercise physiology. But it all comes back to the tea, for which we discovered that all the 5 ingredients that make up the tea work in perfect harmony to:Force fat cells to open up and release harmful toxins that clog them up…Reduce stress hormones like cortisol that block the brain’s fat-burning signals…Allow released fat to be burned for energy and muscle growth…Stop the feeling of hunger and cravings…Flush released toxins and fat from the body…And more…In fact, all 5 unique ingredients work together to effectively detox the body and flush fat away, starting in as little as 4 hours.” Are there any secrets behind the plan?“In addition to the tea, we have based this plan on three new revolutionary fat-shrinking rules:Rule 1 – Eat MORE, Weigh LESS. The old rules of dieting have been telling you to eat less… so you end up feeling deprived and starved with tiny portions. Forget about that.Rule 2 – Reduce STRESS, Restore Hormone BALANCE. This new rule is about reducing your chronically high stress levels and balancing your hormones. You will feel CALMER and Weigh LESS.Rule 3 – Exercise LESS, lose MORE Weight. Scientists have made astonishing discoveries … and a recent breakthrough is something scientists call the exercise “sweet spot.” Your sweet spot is the exercise intensity level where the full fat-burning power of your body is unleashed, so your body draws on fat stores for fuel. You are NOT exercising harder. You are exercising smarter. Do this right, and fat layers under your skin vanish… excess pounds disappear… you can drop a dress or a pant size in 2 weeks… as your whole body becomes firmer, sexier and trimmer.Sadly, most people are eating too little and exercising too much…  and this actually works against their fat loss.With The Red Tea Detox Program, we are changing this “wrong thinking” and helping people lose more weight faster. With The Red Tea Detox, there are no more diet failures … No more guilt or remorse. When you drink it regularly, and follow the simple rules, you can quickly shed 10, 20, 30… even 40, 50 or more pounds of fat or more in just weeks!.” The Red Tea Detox Program covers more than a decade of research and almost three years of real-world testing. It’s a complete program that quickly detoxes the body to “flush away” fat, and it gives fast results for everyone.

The Red Tea Detox


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